Friday, June 30

She's the One

Notice how Steve devoted more time to me GETTING MARRIED than I did?

Lest you think I'm not excited, let me say that I am indeed, terribly excited. But my ability to effectively wring words out of myself for this chunk of web makes it hard to seem worked up over much of anything. Basically, I think I have writer's block.

Musically, though, I'm in this weird stretch of being very unblocked*. I've knocked out two songs in the past 3 weks or so, and I'm pretty close to having a third. Granted, two of them are older songs I've already had the basic chord change down for, but getting leads, drums, and bass down for those, along with an entirely new song in such a short time is no small feat coming from someone who is usually lucky to get a new song every month or two. The development of a song is pretty interesting, at least in retrospect. Tinkering with various effect patterns for rhythm and leads to see what works best is n interesting process. It can also change the entire feel of a song. Going from heavy and distorted to a slightly more subdued sound takes a song from a punksih/metal feel to something altogether new (and, even better, easier to decipher what's being played). And drums! Boy do they make all the difference in the world.

It'd be easier, of course, if I had somewhere I could post this stuff for you all to listen to. Alas, I know not of such a space. Or I'm too lazy to look. Your call.

As for tattoos, I just had a marvelously stupid idea: I get a tattoo that says "hers" and Janice can get one that says "his." Get it? Matching "his" and "hers" tattoos? Eh? No? No, then. Fine.

So. Getting married. 'Tis a big thing. I suspect it'll hit me more the closer we get. Try me again in about a year, maybe. But all this planning stuff should be interesting. There's a lot to consider, but I think we have enough time on our hands to take care of everything without going all mental. Once the reception site is picked, our biggest hurdle is gone. We have a photographer, caterer (if needed), florist, wedding party, and we're pretty sure on a DJ and tux rental site. Janice knows what she wants in a dress, tux style is settled, so we're alright, i think.

Really, it's only as hard as you want to make it. And there you go.

And here I go.


*Boy that sounds funny, doesn't it?

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