Thursday, June 29

Today's Special

A small confession before I go any further: I used an iTunes gift card to, sigh, download a Nickelback song. Yes, yes, I know how often I've mentioned my levels of hatred for said band on this very site. The thing is, the band has the annoying habit of putting one song on every album that doesn't totally suck, thus throwing me into a state of confusion as to whether or not I'm supposed to continue hating them. Fortunately, every album brings another song I hate, and all is well.

Or maybe I'm just weird.

So remember when I used to say things around here? Those were the days, eh?

And it's not as though I've run out of things to say, either. I just don't feel like putting them here, for whatever reason. Probably because everyone who reads this thing anymore already knows what's going on, so why repeat myself?

So, for now, I leave you with this:

Mark your calendars for December 29, 2007. You can come to my wedding. It's Janice's too, but since the wedding is all about the groom, we're going to call it "my" wedding. But either way, it's going to be lots of fun. Rumor has it U2 might be there.

Sorry the anouncement wasn't bigger or more exciting, but, again, everyone already knows. But if for some reason you didn't, well, now you do. And I'll let you know where and when we register.


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