Sunday, December 4

Third and Ten

My neighbor, who shall remain nameless, because I can't remember his name, has one of those fancy-type-fountains-with-the-flowing-water in his back yard. That's all fine and dandy. He also has it running constantly right now, and at last check, it was cold enough to freeze your Winnebago outside. I'm not complaining, but it does seem silly. Or maybe he likes sitting on his patio in his boxers with temperatures covering around freaking cold degrees.

Janice and I attended our first Rams game today, respectively. Her first and my only one so far. Thanks to the proper connections, namely her aunt, we scored a couple spots in the Post-Dispatch luxury suite, which was, pardon the pun, pretty sweet. Free food and drink, and a nice view of the on field goings-on. I refrain from using 'action,' because there really wasn't a lot of it. Not for us, at least. Some dumb penalties cost us at various points, and the defense was good, when they weren't letting some player from the Redskins run through us like a freight train through a saltine. I didn't get too upset though, as I have no real emotional attachment to our football team. Maybe it's the nature of the game itself, but football and I have never really set well. Not quite oil and water, but not quite sugar and water, if you will. I usually get bored with a game by mid-second quarter when I watch at home. It might have something to do with the rather sporadic nature of the action, or the innumerable commercial breaks, or how the last minute of play can often last as long as The Ten Commandments. Whatever the case, it just ain't my thing. That said, I still had a good time and if free seats come up again, I'm all for going.

I went to a Baptist church service this morning for a NorCo Journal shoot. It was about what I figured: lotsa singing and clapping, lively church-goers, a really loud, intense, etc. pastor, and a somewhat loose structure. Or it felt loose, at least. I guess after the fairly heavy structure of Catholic mass, it seemed a little different. Not really the way I like my church, but for those who like it, more power to them.

Oh yeah, the church was located in a refurbished McDonald's. Weird, huh? I was disappointed at how well they rennovated the building. The outside was obvious: the building was painted white, and featured an added-on steeple, but the inside showed no signs of its former life. Half of the interest for me was trying to find a shot that showed how it was and how it is, but, alas, I was outta luck. Still, I got a pen out of the deal, so I s'pose it was all worth it. But at 2+ hours, the service was a bit more than I could take, mostly because I needed to leave to get to said football game.

Doris Kearns Goodwin is coming to SLCL HQ on Thursday. Please, hold yourselves back. And don't ask me for tickets. We're all out. But, for a small fee, maybe I can sneak you in for the hoity-toity soiree before hand with all the suits.


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