Tuesday, November 29

Thanks, Mr. Narwhal

A few points:

1.) Elf = good.
2.) Ditto Bob Newhart.

Also: Beavis and Butt-Head. What's the appeal? I watched a few minutes of it last night, and couldn't stop laughing at it. For all intensive purposes, nothing happens on that show. Hell, there's barely ever any actual dialogue. Just that very strange laughing. So there's no real plot, no particularly witty dialogue, no zany cast of characters, and yet the show is sometimes quite funny. I don't get it. I remember thinking it was funny "back in the day," but I can chalk some of that up to being a teenager. Now that I'm (supposedly) older and wiser, I can't, for the life of me, figure out what makes that show funny. granted, I can't watch for more than five minutes or so before the premise gets old, but I do laugh during that time. I'd like to think there's some deep meaning behind it all, but the odds of that are in the slim to none category. So I sure don't know. I know the MST3K-style video commentaries are a hoot. The movie was funnt. Shoot, I even liked the semi-RPG game for the Genesis. PC Gamer rated the B&B computer game one of their all-time favorites. So the show's got something going for it. And, lest we forget, if it wasn't for that show, we wouldn't have Daria. And Mike Judge made Office Space, too, so there you go.

In conclusion: That was cool.


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