Thursday, August 25

Hit me! Groove!

I remember, back in the day, when the Urge released Receiving the Gift of Flavor, and it got pretty good airplay around here, especially on the Point. Also back in that particular day was dad's attempt at staying hip, cool, or whatever. All i can really remember is the listening to of whatever Steve and I wanted and maybe asking us every so often if we thought whatever he was doing was cool. It's been awhile, so the memory is a bit hazy. Anywho, one of the singles was "All Washed Up." Said song has the refrain "hey you're all washed up/would you please shut up/take a walk that way" followed by a mighty "HUUUUUHHH!" Your spelling may vary on that, of course. Dad decided that the guy was probably getting kicked in the crotch everytime he yelled, and continued to refer to the song in some manner as the "crotch-kicking song" everytime we heard it. He'd probably still call it that if I played it for him today.

I now have my new* computer at work, and it's very nice. Finally have Photoshop 7 after asking for it basically since I started. Of course, the two new-new computers the office got have Photoshop CS on them.** Anything else to be said about the computer is of interest only to me, so I'll save you from hearing my ramblings about Classic on these damn Macs. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

I start giving guitar lessons today. Not sure how that's going to work out, as most of what I know how to do is just sort of second-nature to me at this point. Trying to find a way to make it understandable to a beginner should prove interesting. Or agonizingly difficult for all parties involved. That would, of course, be followed by the smashing of guitars over each other's head. That, of course, is why I have three guitars.

I feel like I wanted to say more, but nothing springs to mind, so I guess I'm done.

Fear not, townsfolk! Famine is no doubt right 'round the corner! And gross bugs and rats sleep in our beds! Isn't that great?

*By new, of course, I mean third-hand, but new to me. Almost all my stuff at work is used: computer, desk, chair, etc. The camera and scanner are new, which is fine, but considering how often they go buy new uselss crap (like Nickelback CDs), couldn't I at least get a new chair after two years?

**See? Even when I get upgraded I'm still behind the times.

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