Wednesday, June 15

In Your Honor

I'm only a day late in my less-than-official-but-more-or-less-the-norm-now weekly post, but it feels like it's been two weeks since I posted last. Taking a week off from work will do that, I guess. I'm pretty sure it's Wednesday, but I'm so out of my normal routine, that if someone told me it was Friday, I probably wouldn't put up much of a fight. I only know it's Wednesday because I had bowling tonight. The less said about that, the better.

I don't really have a topic, though, since I've been all over everywhere the past few days, so I guess I'll fall back on an "update of events" post. Since we last met...

Saturday--Wedding for Steve Edler, better known in certain circles as "The Ass-Kicker," and in a smaller circle, "the guy who should be drumming for The Fifth Statement, but decided to do something else instead, like teach." I think he's afraid of the awesome repsonsiblity of being in a band with Tom, but what do I know? Um, yes. Wedding. It was a nice, if short, wedding, and it was good to see the friends again. Seeing as how I have a wedding to shoot Saturday, it was a good time to study the photographer Edler used. I think I mentally yelled at them more than anything because they didn't do things like I thought they should. Anywho, congrats to Steve and Beth, and maybe when they finish the honeymoon he can start drum lessons.

Sunday/Monday--Time for the second annual "Torture the Cats Weekend with a Trip to the Vet." Much less yelling, bleeding, and screaming than last year (on my part, at least). I can't say either cat enjoyed being locked in a kitty karrier for a 2+ hour car ride, but they survived. Shots were administered, and everyone seems fine, or as fine as my cats can be. Sandwiched around the trip to the vet's was a nice time with the Walls, in which lots of nasty made-from-scratch food was forced onto us. It was all Janice and I could do to hold out until Monday afternoon when we could hit McD's for some real food.

Tuesday--Spent $254 on gear for Saturday's wedding shoot. Thank God for being paid a portion of my fee up front. New Foo Fighters album was released, to much joy on the part of me (and the guy in front of me at Target, who got the album as well). I had a hunch it was going to be good, based on the first single, and I'm pleased to report it's very, very good. Like, Go Buy it Now kinda good. Finally, the Guitar God Trifecta (Satch, Vai, and EJ) concert series was completed with a show at Mississippi Nights by Eric Johnson. A good, solid show, although it didn't do it for me like Joe or Steve. I decided it would be fun to hand out some awards for the three shows, so let's see what I can remember.

Best Show: Joe
Best Guitar: Joe
Best Cover: Joe, for "Sleepwalk"
Best Hair: Steve
Best Drummer: Joe/EJ
Best Bassist: Matt Bissonette, with Joe
Best Rhythm Guitar: Dave Weiner, with Steve
Best Off-the-Cuff Remark: EJ's "Beefthra" bit.
Best Singing Voice: EJ
Best Opener: Kaki King, with EJ
Best Move: the EJ "up on the toes"
Best Encore: Joes, with "Always With Me" and "Satch Boogie"
Best Dressed: Steve
Best Outfit: Steve's "cyber-man" look complete with light-up guitar

More were awarded, but I forget the rest. Looks as though Joe is the winner overall, but that doesn't take anything away from the other two guys, of course.

Today--Photo shoot with Kelly Lynn at Forest Park. Odd being on the other side of the lens for a change, but it was fun. Apparently Janice and I are good in front of a camera. We'll be selling autographed 8x10 glossies soon, so get your orders in ASAP before they're gone. Many thanks to Kelly for putting up with a couple goofballs. Follow that up with some crappy bowling, and you're more or less caught up with everything.

For the rest of the week: VI Flags tomorrow and a night at mum's, yard work or bowling practice Friday, and a wedding to shoot on Saturday. Sunday closes with dinner at dad's. Whew. I may need a week off from my week off. Not much is happening at work, apparently, so I see no reason to go back just yet. Maybe in August or something for a few days. We'll see.

No topic came to me in the course of writing, so I guess I'll call it quits.

What's mine is yours and yours is mine. There is no divide.

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