Saturday, January 29

wot's...uh the deal

Have I mentioned my website works properly now?


Oh. Well, it does, so you should all go there and look at everything before doing anything else with your lives, save breathing and pumping blood. No, it's not going to change your life, but it's bound to be more interesting than the rest of my post.


So, before I go any further, I offer this bit of news on how not to treat your fans. You might visit here for more info. It's all kinda sad, and makes me wonder what I'm going to do this fall. We'll see.

I've resigned myself to the fact that owning a house comes with its fair share of ups and downs. I'm not sure what the ups are, save for financial reasons, but I can come up with a few downs. For some reason, they tend to be quite dramatic, and, well, expensive. Everyone remembers the Leaf Dam Incident and its sequel, the Glacier Escapade of last year. This year, I offer Gone With the Wind, or We're Not in Kansas Anymore. Last Saturday was freakishly windy. Like, windy enough to wake me up at 6 a.m. I think it topped out at 40 mph or so. So, maybe not tornado-esque, but still pretty strong. Like, strong enough to rip nearly 20 shingles from my roof because they weren't nailed properly. Yeah, we don't like that here at 210 Derhake. It's an unneeded hassle, and I don't like the way it sounds. Scratch that. The sound itself is fine, but the idea of hearing pieces of my house being ripped off is unsettling. Plus, it made my house look like it had male pattern baldness. Thankfully, Janice's uncle, in his uber-coolness came over and fixed it for free. I approve.

I approve of Hodak's chicken.

I approve of American Idiot.

I still approve of Pink Floyd.

Mom, as it turns out, has been a closet PC gamer for the past few years. I went down tonight to a.)upgrade my cell phone, b.)prep dinner for tomorrow, and c.)um, do...something...else. Anyways, I was helping her on the computer, and I find a copy of The Sims. Unopened, yes, but I think she's using it as a decoy. I bet she has HL2, Doom 3, and...Myst tucked away from when she's not around. Probably prepping to take Steve on in Death Match some day.

I should go practice, too.

Or, go work on Janice's birthday present.

I win!

the gold it's in the...

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