Thursday, January 13

Fog on the Barrow Downs

Yeah, yeah, I know there was snow. I'll get to that in a minute. Did you catch the fog this week? Even The Fog didn't have as much fog as we had earlier this week. Tuesday night was particularly bad. At least rain and snow give you the chance to use your headlights. Of course, many people have yet to catch on to the fact that high beams in the fog are not good. Weren't they paying attention in driver's ed?

Anyways, snow.

So, let's see. Tuesday: upper 40s. Wednesday: 73 degrees and stormy all night. Thursday, 30-something and 5-6 inches of snow with an arctic chill right behind it. Only in Missouri, I think. Winter seems to be a pretty unpredictable season around here. Summers are reliably hot and muggy, spring and fall are usually a dependable mix of just enough cool and just enough mild as they segue into whatever follows, but you just can't seem to trust winter around here. Is it gonna be kinda mild and sunny? Or is it going to be frigid and snowy? Or will you get both? Last winter was pretty cold throughout. But this winter...first it was cold (damn cold), then it got mild, got normalish, got warm for ONE day, then comes the cold again. And yesterday's mildness was more or less outta nowhere. Tuesday was above normal, but it was still in the 40s somewhere. These things usually build up then stick around for a week or so. This one was one day and gone. Weeeeeeird.

But I like the snow. And cold. I'm hoping for a clear night this weekend so I can freeze my butt of to get a picture of the moon and stars lighting a field.

Yes, I am that nuts.

I'll have to remember to buy film for the camera......

Han-e-say and I hit the Jim Tuesday night for some up-buffing. I lasted a total of 35 minutes on two different bike-type machines and then spent another 45 minutes or so on various muscle enhancers. It's kinda fun, actually, although the last 4 minutes on those bikes can really drag on. Still, I'm looking forward to next week's trip. As long as my limbs stay attached, we should keep going.

That would imply then that Janice could lose her arms and I wouldn't really care.

I'm not sure I meant it that way.

Try these facts on for size:

-a bald eagle larger than George weighs half what he does (7 lbs)
-it has a wingspan of almost 6 feet
-diving speed of nearly 150 mph
-it doesn't sweat: it pants!

Yes, this bald eagle spent the whole night with his tongue out. It was pretty weird, but pretty cool, too. I'd like to hit Eagle Days this weekend, but time may not allow, what with Godzillathon 2005, Cardinals Winter Warm-Up, Ice Skating, website design, photo shoots, Calculus, Bus Chucker Club, etc.

We'll see.

And, really, I'm reaching for content at this point. Enjoy your three-day weekend, kids, and I'll catch you on Tuesday.

I'm not gonna lie to ya, that's a healthy piece of real estate.

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