Thursday, July 27

Saving Grace

So I suppose it bears mentioning that I've been without power at home for almost 8 days now. That's a pretty long time, I must say, although it's all sort of blurred together by this point. Everyone I know has their power back, far as I can tell. For whatever reason, Ameren decided to focus on North County, arguably the hardest hit area by last week's storms, last. Why? I don't know. Regardless, I didn't see any trucks in my area until yesterday afternoon. I've tried to keep in good spirits about this. I've been able to bunk up at Janice's house, along with a number of her family. For this, her Grandma should be (officially) canonized. So I've had a plce to stay, food to eat, etc. And it's always fun being with Janice. The cats, bless their souls, have been fine. They get fed, and the house hasn't been unbearably hot for them. So, more than anything, I guess I've been inconvenienced. I know that a lot of people have been working damn hard to get the city up and running again, and to them, I hold no grudges. But.

It's been eight fucking days. Can I please get my power back?

There. I feel a little better. For the most part, I've been emotionally numbed at this point, but still. Grr.


A wedding reception site has been picked, which is most excellent. After some initial setbacks, I have a new guitar, which needs a name. I'll have to spend some time with it before I can figure it out. I received an e-mail yesterday confirming my hope that the Band Scramble would be revived. And it had been. the "new" and "improved" Scramble is tentatively scheduled for October 14 at the Way Out Club. Rock on.

Going to Ohio soon.

Almost time for Steve to turn 21. Send him some cash for a drink, won't you?

I know we usually reserve baseball talk for the Cardinals around here, but I think it bears mentioning that the Minnesota Twins have won 34 of 42 games. Dayyyuuum.

That's it for now.

You know, even this post sounds pretty blah. But it should be noted that other than a runny nose and this whole power thing, I'm in a pretty good mood.


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