Friday, October 28

Ear Candy

I don't listen to KDHX all that often, but maybe I should pick it up. They just finished playing the suite from the original Godzilla, which earns them about 47,000 cool points in my book.

Also let it be known: my somewhat vague, let kinda cool, pumpkin carving of Bono, circa 1997, won the coveted "What the Bleep is That?" award at last night's Newman pumpkin carving contest. I'll try and load a picture if I can. And feel like it.

I'm going to Six Flags tomorrow for Fright Fest. Good times? Probably. I've never been.

More to come after the long weekend, assuming the dentist doesn't kill me on Monday.


Wednesday, October 26

Head and Shoulders

Knees and toes.

Knees and toes.

I'm not too sure what to make of it, but go here, and, um, enjoy. Then try and get the images out of your head.

I'm pretty sure I like it.

The 'Green Week' video is pretty amusing, too.

Eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose

Monday, October 24

Soul Meets Body

Before I talk about anything else, I must mention something of grave importance. Someone gave her a job with this show.

Her parents must be so proud. Vanna White, watch out!

For anyone who may come looking for me this Saturday, word on the street is that I'm going to be kidnapped. Normally, I might be worried about this, but since it's just Janice, I should be alright. I'll admit I was a bit concerned when she said she was going to blindfold me to keep the element of surprise in tact, but she backed off that last night. My bet is that she didn't want to listen to be whining for an hour about how boring it was not being able to see anything. Come to think of it, that might be my ace in the hole if an actual kidnapper ever nabs me: whine enough and hope he/she goes insane and lets me go.

Also on this show last night, someone spelled out "d-o-i-n-g" and rhymed it with "boing."

Ummm... Did you just say "doing"?

What? No. Doo-ing. I said, "What are you doo-ing?"

Oh. Well, you spelled it the same.

Let it also be known that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Dead! Dead, I tell you! And I barely understood a lick of it. Blame someone at DeSmet, who decided we didn't need to read Hamlet.

Blah, blah. Nothing seems worthe talking about, save for the dream I had last night wherein Steve was abducted by aliens (they looked like the ones in The Abyss, if you were wondering), and then returned the next morning. Maybe we was whining a lot. Also of interest was that when we were searching for him, the area was near Grandma Moore's old house. It was, um, sorta weird. Especially the part when we were stargazing, and the stars were blinking between low and high beams. Odd. Must have been the Cocoa-Puffs.

K. Work now. Bye.


Monday, October 17

I'll second that.


Is it possible for something to be more than home run?


Wednesday, October 12

Red Fever Pt. Deux

I was originally going to complain about everyone's obsession over Houston's "Big Three" in there starting rotation, but then I decided not to, mostly I got lazy. And, come on, does anyone really expect FDR, Stalin, and Churchill to be any match for the likes of Pujols, Walker, and JEdmonds?

I think not.

All joking aside, though, it does seem as though a lot of people just assume there's no way on earth we're going to be able to beat Houston just because of pitching. But, as is often bandied about here in the office, that's why they play the games. And, if we lose, we lose. But I don't think we're going to lose.

I think, instead, I'm going to talk about something even more relevant than Houston's pitchers: playoff superstitions. I'm not normally prone to such things: black cats, ladders, mirrors--bah, I say. Just a bunch of hoo-ha. But come playoff time, all bets are off. To wit: I wore my Cards jersey to the penultimate game of the season, and we won (9-6). I wore it all through the first round, on days we had games, and the Cards swept (by scores of 8-5, 6-2, and 7-5). So not only did we win those games, but we averaged 7.5 runs a game when I wore this thing. Obviously, this leads to two conclusions: 1.) Wearing this thing on game day is essential, and 2.) whatever mojo this thing is carrying right now is pretty potent, so washing it is a big no-no, until we lose. Ideally, I don't wash this until the end of the month, if you catch my drift. Yeah, it's smelling just a bit, but damn it, these are the freaking playoffs! These are not times to be messing with good mojo.

But what about "freshening up" the jersey? Would running it in the drier with a fabric sheet ruin any power this has? What about Febreeze? Could a couple sprays lead to bullpen issues? Scary stuff, indeed, which is why I don't mess with it.

See? One little playoff series and I go all wacko on gamedays. Just like the morons at Fox, who gave the Angels/ChiSox game the slot on the network, while our game is being bumped to FX. Good thing I get cable. This time last year, I was cableless, and listened to the games on KMOX, which is really a better way to go.

I woke up at 7 this morning, and heard two things: 1.) someone on the radio telling me that the tornado sirens were going off, and 2.) said siren shutting down. There were no tornadoes or air raids, o it must have been a goof. Or a really sneaky way to get me out of bed, which I may have needed to do, but sure didn't want to do. In the end, responsibility won out, and I got up, and now I'm here at work.

And that's that.

Taking the vowels out of words doesn't always make them cool.

Tuesday, October 4

Red Fever

Well, despite Isringhausen's best efforts to give all of St. Louis a massive corronary, the Cardinals are up 1-0 after dispatching the Fathers of San Diego 8-5.

In honor of the victory, enjoy some pictures from the A-B family day at Busch from Saturday's 9-6 win over the Reds. It should be noted that Izzy loaded the bases in that game before closing it out, and then went 1-2-3 in Sunday's season finale. So, assuming he pitches Thursday, he should be fine.





The Gooch.



I hope to have some shots of the stadium up in a few days, once I get the prints and scan, and yadda yadda. Until then, go Cards!
