Wednesday, February 23

I totally always look awesome singing backwards metal.

My yet-to-be-named band had its first meeting slash practice last night. I think it went pretty well, although my general not being in a bandness might of clouded any and all shortcomings, although I think not. So there.

We laid the groundwork for one song, which doesn't sound anything like the basic groove to 25 or 6 to 4, and by that, I mean I more or less ripped off the main groove to 25 or 6 to 4.

I hadn't planned on it, though. I just started noodling around on something, the band joined in, and 5 minutes later, I realized what I was playing. Then we all got over it and had a beer. Well, everyone else did. I had a Coke. We did flesh out the crux of the song, and made enough little tweaks to save it from being a total rip-off. More like "homage."

One nice thing I noticed was that we played off each other pretty well. There were few moments of total lossness, and most of those were on my end, because my amp isn't loud enough to get over everyone else.

Anyone have an extra guitar amp?

It's a pretty good group I'm with. I don't think I'd want to spend oodles of time with anyone, but everyone's...pleasant, for lack of a better word. Strangely enough, I'm the only one playing the instrument I'm best at. Our drummer can play just fine, but is more of a guitarist. Our bassist, while being quite good at bass, can play the dulcimer quite well, along with (ta da!) guitar. Our singer guy plays keyboards too, which adds an extra layer of chewy-nougaty-goodness to the proceedings. He definitely looks and acts the part of a frontman (think Ed Roland with some Michael Hutchence and Bono for good measure), which probably helps. He's good at arranging songs, too, although he seems to think faster than he can talk, which confused us at times. Also, I'm apparently his favorite because I'm the quietest or something like that, because it means I'm "probably the best --curse of your choice starting with f-- one here," or words to that effect.

Then there's Ms. Kim. I don't know what she's going to do. She came for about half our practice, and, well, didn't do a lot. Apparently she does ballet, so she might dance or something. I don't know. She might (wo)man the tambourines, or she might sing. She signed up as "other," so your guess is as good as mine.

On another note, I'd like to announce that I'm getting married in June 2007. Follow this logic: Tom got married last June, Edler this June, and Mense next June. Hence, it only makes sense that I go next, right? I'm going to start registering now, I think, and start stocking up on sheets, towels, and kitchen appliances. Plus, I need to call U2 about the reception.

I, for one, vow never to wear anything plaid.

Except my pants. Those are cool. And checkered. Yeah, that's it.

Positate without pizzaz and jam!

Thursday, February 17


So yeah, sometimes we here at MaxRes do update this here weblog-journal-thing.


I entered three pictures in this year's Best of Photojournalism hosted by our friends at the National Press Photographer's Association (motto: "Try saying NPPA three times fast without messing up). Linkage to said pictures: here, also here,, there is a third picture, but I don't have it on my site for some stupid reason. I'll post a link when I fix it. I would have wanted to enter more, but anything entered has to have been published in print somewhere, and most of what I do here at work doesn't make it past our little montly newsletter, so it's tricky. Such is life.

Annual report time is upon us, and we all know what THAT means for me. Or meant, as is the case this year. I've made my case as good as can be done, but I don't think I'm going to win, because I'm not in charge of designing the thing. Logos can be removed, pictures flipped, arms lopped off, backgrounds blurred, and more, all because something was "distracting," apparently. And wanting to run the pictures unaltered makes me a "purist." Mayhaps, but it's got nothing to do with me being an old-fashioned "dinosaur.*" No, it's more like, "this is what I've been tought for 3 years in school." If, say, the Post-Dispatch can get in trouble for removing a Coca-Cola can, why is it okay for us to reverse an image, remove a shirt logo to cover up said flippage, and then remove the guy's arm? And why are all decisions concering photos, text, and layout made by someone who has no experience in any of those fields? I don't mind SOME input, afterall, he's the Boss, and we don't want to make ourselves look stupid, but we ARE professional-types, trained to do this. I think we know what looks good. Finally, the exclusion of good pictures because of personal politics is really lame.

Complaining over.

You should all go see Jeff Coffin and the Mu'Tet. It's good. Really good. Kinda jazzy, kinda funky, kinda...something else, but definitely worth your time.

And, I've probably come to the point when I should wrap things up and get back to work. Sounds good to me.

Even when we win, he wins.

*This comes from a lecture at school, when some photo-type-man referred to shooters still using film as "dinosaurs." Or maybe "fossils." I can't recall for sure. Oh, and he didn't used the word photograph or picture. They were "intellectual property." Geez.

Saturday, February 12

Hot, merging action!

I'd like to send out an extra-special Happy Birthday to everyone's favorite actor, Joe Don Baker, star of the classic films Walking Tall, Mitchell, Final Justice, and Mars Attacks!

You think you can take me? Go ahead on, it's your move.

Thursday, February 10

The fire in my britches is not the issue here!

Apparently, having a Mr. Potato Head on my desk makes me cool, and warrants a piece of chocolate. Far be it from me to argue with such logic.

That's all.

Throw baby!

Monday, February 7

Last Update: 04 Feb 2005

Is it possible to lose your train of thought before you've even started thinking? I don't really think that's fair. Monday, yes, but that's as may be.


I had a shoot for the Journal yesterday morning at one of those non-denominational-type choiches for a story running on choiches using 'nontraditional' methods to attract persons. There wasn't anything terrible revolutionary about the proceedins, save for a couple luckey fellas going up on stage to help the...pastor/speaker/guy/thing prove a point. Otherwise, it was set up a lot like the old days of TFC, but minus the snipers. And, to be honest, it wasn't all that exciting. Granted, I was in Photographer Mode, but I didn't feel terribly compelled one way or the other. I do much prefer your everyday Mass (mine too). It didn't help matters that, save for a couple banners, there was nothing even vaguely church-y to be seen. It could have just as well as been a small theatre.

J and I hit the Galleria Friday night before bowling. We were wandering around Famous and/or Barr because someone wanted to drool over the kitchen appliances before we left. I won't say who, but I hear he make a mean cracker. Anyways, as we were heading up, we passed the girl-type clothing area. My eyes happened across a pink t-shirt with the cover from Mind Over Matter: the Images of Pink Floyd embroidered on it. This upsets me, because some 12-13 year old girl is probably going to buy it because it "looks neat" or some such nonsense, and not have any idea who that band is. It could only get worse if she went up to someone who knew the band, and asked "which one's Pink?" Ick.

Friday night I signed up for a band scramble. Confused? Yes, well you should be. I'd be lying if I said it had something to do with egss and/or cooking, so I won't say that. I will say that it may or may not involve people signing up, being selected at random, and then being placed in a band with other random persons. Said persons than may or may not have 3 weeks to develop 3 original songs and then perform them. Maybe. For all you know, I might be lying again. But if I'm not, it should be fun, unless I get stuck with a group of death-metal types. Or Yanni.

I don't like short posts, but this is going to be a short post, because....


M.C. Hammer?

Horse laxative?

Boston Public?

Not tonight he doesn't... come... in the night... Trogdor.

Wednesday, February 2

Don't ask me why, pumpernickel and rye.

Which Character Are You?

Which Character Are You?

I could have guessed as much. This isn't that bad of a result, really. Better than being the King of Town (even though I like the KOT).

Bread is a good time for everybody!