Tuesday, November 23

One Step Closer

I was originally going to open with some goofy remark about owning your own house and being able to walk around naked, but I decided to skip it, as I forgot the gist of it, and it probably wasn't as funny as I thought. It was based soley on a snippet of conversation I overheard at work today in the staff room, so it probably wasn't going to hold its own anyways.

So I'm just going to move on to far more interesting topics.

Some of you may be wondering if Half Life 2 is worth the purchase. You might also wonder if the new U2 album is worth the purchase.

Let me answer for you. In a word, goodGodyes.

Go. Now. Buy them both. I'm not going to wait, since it might take awhile, but I can assure you your money will be well spent. Wonderful music for your ears, and one fine computer game for all your senses (except for taste and smell, of course). I won't go into the nerdy reasons I like HL2 (flying sawblades of doom!), so don't worry.

I will, however, mention that HTDAAB (you type out the whole title!) is one of U2's finest, I think, although I was reflecting on their catalogue earlier, and realized that they haven't really had a ho-hum album yet. A few songs along the way, but taken as a whole, none of their albums have lacked. They've managed to take all the little things that make U2 U2, and work them just so. It doesn't sound like they're
trying though, which is good. Nothing feels terribly derivative of their old stuff. Edge borrows a couple old guitar licks, and Bono steals one or two of his own lyircs, but it all feels fresh, and different enough without being waaay out there. They've already done that (Achtung Baby), so now they can focus on what they do well.

So when does the tour start?

For anyone interested, my website is good to go. It won't be online for another couple weeks, mostly because I'm cheap and don't want to pay the $30 activation fee until I've been paid again. Rest assured though, when it's up, I'll let you all know.

I need to get some time off. I'm horribly unmotivated right now, as there isn't much exciting going on at work. I've got a wealth of time in December I'm taking off, and this week's mini-break ought to should help, so we'll see.

I was hoping to make biscuits for dinner Thursday, but that may have to be put on hold, as I'm not gonna have the time I thought. Not a big deal, but....I spent $1.20 on buttermilk!!! Eh. I'll make them some other time.

My tree is probably going up on Friday. I have my new Star Trek ornament, so it's gonna be an extra nerdy Christmas season. One upshot of the no-TV thing is not having to endure the myriad commercials and hullabaloo that springs up every year about this time. Yeah, I'll still have the nonsense in stores, but I don't hit them too often, so I can probably deal with it. Yay for not losing my mind!

And yay for Mr. Tabana, whoever he is!

Swinging to the music.

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