Tuesday, November 2

The Horror of Mothra vs The Terror of Godzilla

If my sources are correct, tomorrow is officially Godzilla's 50th birthday. That's quite a long time for any fictional character to remain (somewhat) relevant. The degree of relevancy probably depends on who you ask. I say very, and about 90% of the world probably doesn't care. That's their loss, I think.

Has anyone else seen the new TV promo for Godzilla: Final Wars?

You really should.

Go now. There's a convenient link on the left side of this page you can use to go download it. I'll even wait for you.

....dum dum.....doo dee doo doo, whistle whistle....

See, I told you it was good. Or maybe I implied it.


I voted this morning, mostly because I didn't want an evil gang of thugs from MTV led by Ashlee Simpson knocking on my door and killing me because I didn't. Could you imagine how embarassed my mom would be if she had to tell people Ashlee Simpson killed her son? I mean, getting offed by someone legit, like Bono is one thing, but a no-talent pop singer? Ick. So I voted. I almost left-gasp!-a chad hanging on the back of my ballot, but I caught it in time.


The wait wasn't too bad, maybe about 30 minutes or so, which is quite long, since I'm not used to any wait at all. I was going to vote for Dave Barry for president, but he wasn't on the ballot.

"Whoa, that sounds like a segue!"

Dave Barry, like the 'Tones, is going to take next year off, maybe longer. Well, he's gonna do some other stuff, but no weekly column. That's sad, but understandable. Don't want the funniest guy around going ga-ga on us. I'd rather have him come back fresh.

In case anyone's wondering, U2's new album will be released in 3 weeks. Of course, those of you who care already know. So I'm not sure who that message was directed at.

I'm hoping to have my website done by next week. I've got one full section and the 'about' section to do, and I can look into getting it all hosted. I'm gonna go all out and get my own domain name this time, since it's only about $10 a month.

I can afford to take on such extravagant expenditures because of a radical decision I've made. I've decided not to get my TV hooked up until March of next year. I've found I don't miss it all that much, and not spending $60 a month is pretty nice. My new date might have something to do with spring trainig, but then again, maybe not. So anyone coming to visit will probably be forced to watch MST3K or Godzilla, or maybe have to talk to me.

Jeez, not really a good option there. Maybe you could play with the cats.

Push on mighty Cushman!

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